Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Publisher’s Process: Interview with Vanessa Lynn (Part II)

I recently had the opportunity to interview Ms. Vanessa Lynn. Ms. V is what I call her and the V stands for virtuous, vivacious, and victorious all wrapped up in one. She has over 20 years of experience in the play industry as a writer, director, and producer. Recently, she decided to write a book and in the second part of our interview, I was able to speak with her about that process. I asked her about her book and she explained that the name of the book is,

"Beyond the Chitlin' Circuit, The Ultimate Urban Playwrights Guide". The book is a compete guide for anyone who is currently or aspires to produce scripts independently. It takes you from creating and writing the script, to casting, to production, to teamwork, marketing, budgeting, and crisis management, all the way to DVD production. She stated that she also shares her personal success and failures in the book. It's a complete guide she states. I then asked her if she had any other publications that she was currently working on. She said, “Yes, I'm working on "Dating For Grown Folks, A His and Hears Guide for Dating Over 35". She stated that it's a dating guidebook for singles that find themselves confused in this internet infused dating world. It's a far cry from passing a paper asking for a number. It's practical tips from a man and woman's point of view.

As we got deeper into the conversation, I was able to ask her about being a published author and she was able to explain to me what her process was for writing your book and then how she got it published and out to the public. She stated that it took about a year to actually write the script, and re-write and re-write again. She also got critique from friends in the industry that she trusted. Once that was done, she got it professionally edited. She made mention how incredibly important this step is and how this step should never be missed. She then had to have it typeset for the size and print of the book, and lastly the graphic work was done. She self-published her book through Amazon and also made it available on her website.

Lastly, I asked her what her take was on finding a publisher vs. self-publishing. She stated that it is very rare that an author will get a publishing deal. It's just as rare as a singer getting a major record label deal. She believes that the best thing to do is self-publish a high quality project, promote yourself, get your name out there and establish yourself and after that then connect with an agent.  She said, “Never wait on an agent to get your work out!”

This was some very vital information that Ms. V shared about her  publishing process that lead to the success of her first book. I hope that reading about and following her journey might also assist you in yours. Please keep up with Ms. V by going to her website at www.vanessalynn.info. You may also be interested in joining her playwright organization or learning more about her annual conference. You can find out more information at http://www.upunetwork.info/.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Getting A Deal: Interview with Vanessa Lynn (Part I)

People are always talking about trying to get a deal. This is what you used to have to do in order to break into the entertainment industry. If it was music or film and if you were an artist or an actor, in order to do big business you had to do it with a big company. Majors were what they were called.  Competition was steep as many went through a lot just to hone their craft and the expectations were high. In order to break into the industry, the goal was to get a deal. Well today, getting a deal is still a big deal, but the route one is able to take in order to achieve getting a deal in the entertainment industry has changed. Technology, digital media, and social media have leveled the playing field for many. One young lady who has been able to benefit from these changes is Ms. Vanessa Lynn. She’s a native of Detroit who is an accomplished playwright, director, and producer. She’s recently been featured on News One Now, with
Roland Martin on TV One and has a hot new DVD of her hit stage play “Boss Lady” that is currently in stores nationally. This play is set to return to the big screen, Thursday, June 5, 2014 at The Main Art Theater, 118 N. Main St, Royal Oak, MI 48067, to commemorate its one-year anniversary. All this has been made possible with the help of a national distribution deal. Ms. Lynn got the deal. Recently, I was able to speak with Ms. Vanessa Lynn and she talked about her success and how she was able to get a deal.

First we talked about her accomplishments as a playwright and then her current distribution deal. The first question I asked was how did she accomplish that deal? She stated, “All my DVD's were professional recorded to high quality standards, I've recorded DVD's in the past that weren't so up to par. But I did it similar to the book, I originally put my DVD's on Amazon and they did well, this lead to an actual distribution deal, but I had to make the investment and put in the work first!” She talked about how important it was for her to invest in herself and to also believe in herself. She worked hard and with Amazon allowing her to have her work placed on their site allowed her to get noticed and led to her deal.

I asked her if she had any advice for anyone new looking to get a deal. I wanted her to explain what they would need to do? She stated,” You have to have marketability and understand the market, know what distributors are looking for, study what is selling, build your own fan base and your own buzz, if you build it they will come!” She is so right. Whether you already have a deal or if you are working to get a deal, you still have to self promote. Self promotion establishes you and helps your audience get to know you better. Eventually, they begin to buy into you and your brand and it becomes easier to push your products. Now, that is another topic called branding we'll have to get into at a later date. Lastly, I asked her thoughts on what does it take to be good. She said that you have to be different, unique, offer something that's not on the market. She suggested not to copy anyone else's style, but to be the best YOU that you can.

I believe this was great advice and it was also great having Ms. Vanessa Lynn share some of her story. Please keep up with Ms. Vanessa Lynn at http://www.vanessalynn.info/ and support her current and future projects!!!